Dr.  J o r g e  R i b a

Dr. Riba is a Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning with the University of Panama. He is also the author of the influential, Urbanismo para la humanidad. Professor Riba is President of Alliance Pro City, a non-profit group run by citizens of Panama City. They welcome all who are interested in the sustainable development and environmental concerns that are transforming the city. Their objectives are to make people realize that Panama City is a ‘Home for All’. Jorge's influence on the urban environment and community development in Panama City is immense.

He has assisted the Tejido Group on a variety of planning and design projects since 1999 - Barrio Exposición, Ciudad del Saber, Panama City Urban Waterfront, and the Gamboa tourism master plan. He also participated with our faculty and students in an international exchange program between the Universidad de Panamá and the University of Arizona and sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. His kind influence on our planning process and immersion into Latin culture was a wonderful personal and professional experience for all faculty and student participants involved.